
IHS: AMOLED Panel Shipment Area to More Than Quadruple by 2024

With growing demand for AMOLED TV panels, panel shipments by area are forecast to more than quadruple to 22.4 million m² by 2024, according to IHS Markit. Shipments of AMOLED TV panels doubled to 1.6 million m² in 2017 from about 800,000 in 2016, resulting in total AMOLED panel shipments growing more than 30% to 5 million m² in 2017 from 3.8 million in 2016. The share of TV panels within total AMOLED panel shipments increased to 32% from 21% in 2016. Senior principal analyst Jerry Kang said:

480474 proc“Demand growth in AMOLED TV panels has accelerated since 2016 due to the increasing demand for wide colour gamut TV. Most TV brands have been promoting AMOLED TV as their super premium product, which has differentiated optical performance from LCD TV”.

While 10 global TV brands shipped OLED TVs in 2017, 15 are planning to launch models in 2018. TV brands are trying to expand the share of OLED TVs in their portfolio to rebound their total TV revenues. Shipments of AMOLED TV panels will reach 12.5 million units by 2024. Kang also commented:

“In terms of unit shipments, the TV market has seen declines for three consecutive years since 2015. Now, major TV brands are prioritising their focus on revenues rather than just the growth in unit shipments, with the added value that AMOLED TV offers higher resolution and wide colour gamut.

Many panel-makers are trying to develop various technologies to manufacture OLED TV panels, not only with white OLED but also with ink-jet process or quantum-dot materials”.