Highlights from S21 Launch Event – Numerous Upgrades at Lower Prices and Outlook vs. S20/S10 and iPhone 12

What They Say

Ross Young of DSCC has published a blog article that takes a deep dive into the differences between last years Galaxy S20 series and this year’s 21 series. It points out some of the things done that might reduce costs as prices have been cut this year.

Of particular note was the comparison of Apple’s panel procurement with the Samsung Galaxy production plans which highlights Apple’s really strong position in the premium segment of the market.

What We Think

I must admit that although I knew that Apple was outselling Samsung, I hadn’t realised how much it was in the high end (and therefore, of course, in revenues). I’m reminded that Apple’s ASPs are very strong and although volumes are smaller than other brands, I heard the other day that there are forecasts from NPD that in the notebook market in the US, Apple may take 50% of the revenue by the end of 2023. I have started working on an article on this, but having trouble with NPD’s virtual event. (BR)

Samsung vs. Apple1