
Gartner: Immersive Solutions to be Adopted by 20% of Large Enterprises by 2020

By 2020, augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality immersive solutions will be evaluated and adopted in 20% of large enterprises as part of their digital transformation strategy, according to Gartner.

Organisations will have the ability to provide employees, customers and suppliers with a means to obtain real-time information, experience virtual environments and engage in social collaboration without a small, limited display and point-of-view. Consumers already experience some form of immersive technology, such as Snapchat filters, and 360° video and photos on Facebook.

Analyst Comment

I was interested to note that Gartner thinks that 20% of corporates will have dropped their apps by 2019 as they are not seeing a reasonable ROI although more work is going on to support messaging such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. (BR)