
Galaxy X Foldable Smartphone to Launch at MWC 2019?

The OLED-A reported earlier this week that Samsung’s long-awaited Galaxy X foldable OLED smartphone could launch as early as February 2019, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. (Samsung Foldable Still On for 2018?)

The article also indicated how much displays for the Galaxy X could cost. It has been said that the device will feature three flexible OLED displays, allowing it to operate as a smartphone when closed, folding out into its tablet form. The OLED Association says that three 6″ flexible OLED panels will cost $200, with an estimated 50% yield rate upping it to around $300.

That puts the final retail price for the display alone at around $900. Early reports around the Galaxy X suggest its smartphone display will be smaller, at around 3.5″, unfolding to a 7″ tablet size, which the OLED Association says would reduce display unyielded display costs to $45 per panel. (Samsung’s Folding Phone to Feature Three OLED Panels?)

Other factors that could push pricing up include a decent amount of RAM, possibly as much as 8GB, in order to keep three displays going, plus a large enough battery to cope with the increased demand — the report took a guess at a 3,500mAh battery with fast charging.

The next standard Galaxy smartphone, the S10, is believed to be launching a month earlier than Galaxy X, at CES 2019 in Las Vegas.