ETRI Develops MicroLED Film

What They Say

Hat tip to MicroLED-Info for pointing me to a Korean language page that outlines how ETRI in Korea has made a film that can be used to hold microLEDs with transfer and bonding happens simultaneously. The film is described as ‘SITRAB’ and the institute estimates that the cost of capital equipment and repair is reduce by up to a factor of 10.

What We Think

Although there is a huge amount going on in microLED, my sense after Display Week was that at the moment, only start-ups dependent on the technology are really convinced the market is going to develop very quickly. As I finalise my work on the event, I’ll try to come to more of a conclusion on that topic. (BR)

ETRI SitrabSenior researcher Ju Ji-ho (left) and researcher Chan-mi Lee (right) are performing a simultaneous transfer bonding process for micro LEDs. ?? : ??????(