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Continental: The Future of Mobility is Electric

by Ken Werner

Continental is a huge global Tier 1 supplier to automotive industry that is develops and delivers subsystems for nearly every imaginable automotive function. (A different division is the well-know tire maker.) Among the concepts …

Tags:audio| Automotive| CES 2018| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 04

Rockwell Collins Result 26/01/2018

by Vijaya

Rockwell Collins, Inc. reported financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2018. Q1 reported sales was $2.011 billion, showing 69% growth compared to $1.193 billion reported in Q1 of 2017. The company …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Rockwell Collins| Vol 25 - Issue 03

Harman and Samsung Find Synergy — Really!

by Ken Werner

Whenever one company merges with or devours another, it predicts that a cornucopia of synergistic value will result. More often than not, it doesn’t, but since Samsung completed its acquisition of Harman in March …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2018| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Has Visteon Found a Sweet Spot?

by Ken Werner

Tier 1 automotive supplier Visteon thinks it has found a display sweet spot. While other automotive suppliers are developing clusters and cockpits with OLEDs and QLEDs, Visteon feels that exploiting the current oversupply of …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2018| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Vol 25 - Issue 02

E Ink Spreads Its Reflective Wings

by Ken Werner

Although Amazon does not make sales numbers of its Kindle eReaders public, and it is fashionable in some quarters to announce the death of eBooks, it seems as if sales of Kindles (by far …

Tags:CES 2018| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 25 - Issue 02

HTC Vive Pro Matches Visuals of Samsung Odyssey

by Bob Raikes

HTC launched its new Vive Pro in a dedicated meeting room in the Wynn. The company has upgrade the headset from the original design and from our point of view, the main change is …

Tags:CES 2018| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Simulation| Training| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 02


eMagin Announces Price of Underwritten Public Offering

by Andrew Fenn

eMagin has announced that it has priced an underwritten offering of an aggregate of 8,527,918 shares of common stock of the company and warrants to purchase up to 3,411,168 shares of common stock of …

Tags:eMagin| Investment| Microdisplays| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Vol 25 - Issue 03

Philips Boosts OLED TV Range with HDR10+

by Bob Raikes

Philips (TPVision) has announced two new OLED TVs for 2018 in addition to the 973 model that was shown at IFA. The 873 and 803 ranges have features including HDR10+ and Ambilight (3 sides) …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Philips| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 04

Gartner: The Top 10 Global Semiconductor Customers in 2017

by Andrew Fenn

Samsung Electronics and Apple remained the top two semiconductor chip buyers in 2017, representing 19.5% of the total worldwide market, according to Gartner. Samsung and Apple together consumed $81.8 billion of semiconductors in 2017, …

Tags:Apple| Dell| HP Inc| Huawei| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| LG Electronics (LGE)| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Semiconductor Market| Vol 25 - Issue 03