

Absen Unveils “World’s Biggest” Curved NPP LED Wall

by Andrew Fenn

Absen has revealed what it claims to be the world’s biggest and clearest curved narrow pixel pitch (NPP) LED wall. The 166.9m², 100-megapixel display is installed at the Smart Longgang Command Center in Shenzhen, …

Tags:Control Rooms| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 25 - Issue 02

IHS: Year 2018 Will See First Uses of 8K Resolution Displays

by Andrew Fenn

As the demand for super-large TV displays grow, the need for higher resolution is set to increase, and 2018 will see the first uses of 8K display, according to IHS Markit. While Ultra HD …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 02

December Slower for Taiwanese Companies

by Yvette Raikes

Foxconn Technology Corporation posted December sales of NT$18.9 billion ($639 million), down 6.3% MoM but up 250.4% YoY. For the year, turnover reached NT$148.4 billion ($5.0 billion), an 84% increase. Parent company Foxconn Electronics …

Tags:Financial Data| Foxconn (Honhai)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| ODMs & OEMs| TSMC| Vol 25 - Issue 02

December Small Shipments Up Except for CPT

by Yvette Raikes

Small and medium panel shipments for the four main Taiwanese LCD companies we track were 111.272 million in December, up 10.8% MoM and 1.3% YoY. AU Optronics reported December revenue of NT$25.84 billion ($873.8 …

Tags:AUO| CPT| Financial Data| Hannstar (Hannspree)| Innolux| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Flex Develops AR Headset Using ‘Sketch to Scale’ Concept

by Bob Raikes

Flex has been trying to promote the range of design and manufacturing facilities that it is able to provide to brands, with its ‘Sketch to Scale’ tag line. The company saw that there are …

Tags:Augmented Reality| CES 2018| Flex| Gesture Recognition| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mobile Display Monitor| ODMs & OEMs| Vol 25 - Issue 02