

Eizo Supports 17″ 5:4 Users

by Bob Raikes

Eizo Corporation has announced the Flexscan S1703-A, a 17″ 1280 x 1028 monitor for clients that still want to buy products in this ‘legacy’ format. The unit is the first upgrade since the S1703, …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Eizo Result 15/02/2018

by Vijaya

For the third quarter of 2017 Eizo reported revenue of ¥61,479 million ($550.4 million), a 6.3% increase, compared to ¥57,837 million ($517.8 million) reported in Q3 of 2016. Net income for the quarter was …

Tags:Eizo| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 08

Eizo Adds Papers to QCM Colour Software

by Bob Raikes

Eizo Corporation said that it has added 13 papers from Ilford and Pictorico to the Quick Color Match screen-to-print colour matching software solution. The addition extends the number of papers in total to 26 …

Tags:Colour Management & Processing| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Samsung Awarded US Patent for Flying Display

by Andrew Fenn

Samsung has been awarded a US patent (9,891,885 B2) for a flying screen, after filing an application last year. According to the details of the patent, Samsung’s floating screen would be kept airborne via …

Tags:Drone Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Samsung| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Switzerland’s Net+ Delivers OTT Multiscreen With VO Player

by Damir Lokas

Viaccess-Orca, a global leader providing OTT and TV platforms, content protection, and advanced data solutions, announced that net+, Switzerland’s leading provider of French-speaking multimedia content, has launched its new multiscreen service powered by VO …

SmartKem Achieves Major Milestone in Commercialisation Programme

by Andrew Fenn

SmartKem, a UK designer and developer of semiconductors for electronic displays, has signed a landmark deal which will lead to full commercialisation of its organic thin film transistor (OTFT) technology, it said. The contract …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Organic TFTs| Vol 25 - Issue 07