

VSP Global Launches Level Smart Glasses

by Damir Lokas

VSP Global announced the launch of Level smart glasses, featuring activity-tracking technology seamlessly embedded inside the temple of an optical frame. The technology tracks activity via an accompanying smartphone app and as users reach …

Epson Projectors Achieve TCO Certified Designation

by Andrew Fenn

Epson has announced that 45 of its professional projectors have achieved TCO Certified designation. TCO Certified is a sustainability certification for IT products. Certified products are independently verified to meet environmental and social criteria …

Tags:Epson| Large Display Monitor| TCO Development| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Asus Has Launched Its Windows Mixed Reality Headset

by Andrew Fenn

Asus’ HC102 Windows VR headset is finally out in the wild, priced at $430. The device releases months after offerings from HP, Dell and Lenovo, amongst others, and is priced around the middle of …

Tags:Asus| Mixed Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 07

OLED Materials Market is On a Roll

by Bob Raikes

DSCC has a new report on OLED materials that forecasts that material values will grow to $2.5 billion in 2022 from $868 million last year, which was 43% up on 2016. That represents a …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED Materials| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Posiflex Terminals are Fanless

by Bob Raikes

Posiflex of Germany has announced two new touchscreen AIOs for retail and POS applications. The RT series will be available with 15″ (4:3 1024 x 768) and 15.6″ (16:9 1920 x 1080) displays and …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Kiosks| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 07


Qualcomm Increases Offer for NXP

by Bob Raikes

Qualcomm has agreed with NXP raise its offer to $127.50 per share and said that it has binding agreements with nine stockholders that own more than 28% of NXP’s outstanding shares. The deal values …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Qualcomm| Vol 25 - Issue 07

Dish Network Result 21/02/2018

by Vijaya

Dish Network Corporation reported revenue of $3.48 billion for the fourth quarter of 2017, compared to $3.75 billion in Q4 of 2016. The company had 13.242 million Pay-TV subscribers at the end of the …

Tags:Dish Network| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 08

New Version of HbbTV Specification Supports HDR, HFR and NGA

by Andrew Fenn

The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing an open standard for the delivery of broadcast and broadband services through connected TVs and set-top boxes, has announced the immediate availability of HbbTV 2.0.2. …

Tags:HbbTV| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 07