

Comcast Enters Into Sky Bidding War With 21st Century Fox

by Andrew Fenn

Comcast has apparently outbid 21st Century Fox in a battle to take over Sky. Fox already owns 39% of Sky, and its application to purchase the remaining 61% is currently under review by the …

Tags:Comcast| Fox| Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Sky| Vol 25 - Issue 08

CIBN To Use RealNetworks’ HD Codec For Its OTT TV Apps

by Damir Lokas

RealNetworks, Inc. (NASDAQ: RNWK), a leader in digital media software and services, announced that it has entered the next phase of its strategic partnership with China International Broadcasting Network (CIBN) OTT TV. CIBN OTT …


HP Inc. Result 22/02/2018

by Vijaya

HP Inc. announced its fiscal 2018 first quarter net revenue of $14.5 billion, up 14% compared to $12.7 billion reported in same quarter last year. Net income was $1.9 billion compared to $0.6 billion …

Tags:Financial Data| HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 08

TCL Adds Mass Market 18:9 Smartphones

by Bob Raikes

TCL has both the Alcatel and Blackberry smartphone brands. At the show, the emphasis was on the Alcatel brand and there are there were three low end smartphone ranges introduced at the event, the …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| tablets| TCL| Vol 25 - Issue 09

TV Manufacturers to Raise TV Prices in India after Customs Duty Increase

by Andrew Fenn

TV manufacturers including Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic will increase the prices of their LED and OLED TVs by up to 7% to offset the recent doubling of customs duty on importing panels into …

Tags:Duty| India| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 08

LG Display Working on Micro-LED TV Bigger Than “The Wall”?

by Andrew Fenn

LG will reveal its own super-sized Micro-LED TV by September 2018, according to Business Korea. The publication cited unnamed industry sources close to the company’s TV business unit, who apparently revealed that LG Electronics …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| MicroLED| Vol 25 - Issue 08

Samsung’s S9 Launch Emphasis is on Camera

by Bob Raikes

Samsung held a big event in Barcelona to launch its Galaxy S9 and S9Plus. Even before the event, it was clear that the camera is one of the main changes as the title for …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Samsung| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09