

Technicolor Announces Sale of Patent Licensing Business to InterDigital

by Andrew Fenn

Technicolor has announced it will enter into an exclusive agreement under which mobile technology and research company InterDigital will acquire its patent licensing business. Technicolor will maintain its research and innovation organisation, while engaging …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Technicolor| Vol 25 - Issue 10

California State Assembly Introduces Right to Repair Act

by Andrew Fenn

California State Assembly member Susan Eggman has announced that she will be introducing the California Right to Repair Act. The legislation would require manufacturers of electronics to make diagnostic and repair information, as well …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| USA| Vol 25 - Issue 11| warranty

Magic Leap Announces Additional Investments from Saudi Arabia

by Andrew Fenn

Magic Leap has raised an additional $461 million in Series D funding. $400 million of this new investment came from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, with “new investors” contributing the remaining …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Investment| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 10

Audi A8 Features Rear-Seat Remote with AMOLED Display

by Andrew Fenn

The 2018 edition of Audi’s A8 luxury car will feature even more OLED technology in the shape of a rear-seat remote, which includes a 5.7″ 1080p AMOLED display from Samsung. The company claims that …

Tags:AMOLED| Automotive| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 10

Xbox One S and X Consoles to Get FreeSync Support in Spring Update

by Andrew Fenn

Microsoft’s spring update for its Xbox One S and X gaming consoles will add support for variable refresh rate on AMD FreeSync-compatible displays, as well as 1440p resolution output and HDMI 2.1 Auto Low …

Tags:Consoles| Game Playing| HDMI| Large Display Monitor| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)| Vol 25 - Issue 10| xBox

Acer Wants to Boost its Share in MEA Enterprise Notebook Market

by Andrew Fenn

Acer will make a concerted effort to increase its presence in the Middle East and Africa enterprise notebook market during 2018, according to Digitimes. Citing comments from country manager Paul Collins, the publication revealed …

Tags:Acer| Cloud Computing| Large Display Monitor| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 25 - Issue 10

Samsung Forecast to Maintain Share in 2018

by Bob Raikes

The OLED Association published the following table showing historic and forecast shipments for TV companies and quotes IHS and Statista as the source.

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TV Set Market| Vol 25 - Issue 10

Shorter Month Means Fewer Panels Shipped

by Yvette Raikes

The shorter month of February saw a drop of 20.6% MoM in small and medium panel shipments to 88.387 million for the four main suppliers, but this was only down 6.3% YoY. HannStar saw …

Tags:AUO| CPT| Financial Data| Hannstar (Hannspree)| Innolux| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Medium Panel Supply| Vol 25 - Issue 11

Haier Projects a Positive Image

by Bob Raikes

Haier was showing its smartphones, of course, but the first product that caught our eye was a projector that is designed to shine onto a surface and supports touch on that surface. The unit …

Tags:Haier| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Projectors| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09