
BOE iGallery Wins IFA Product Technical Innovation Award

Digital art exhibition technology BOE iGallery was announced as one of the winners of this year’s IFA Product Technical Innovation Awards earlier this week.

BOE iGallery is claimed to use lossless gamma technology, enabling artworks to be displayed with “no loss of colour depth”, as if they were physically present according to the company.

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The technology also provides an array of interactive functions to its users, including an art trading platform.

Since its inception late last year, BOE iGallery has been used to display a wide range of art, including still paintings and moving images, in locations such as the Taimiao Art Museum and the Forbidden City Gallery.

Analyst Comment

In reality, I don’t think there is any doubt that some colours in the artworks, unless the content is very limited, will be beyond a typical TV gamut. BOE needs to be cautious about making such claims in Europe, where consumer protection could cause the firm to get into trouble if it makes this kind of claim. (BR)