Omid Rahmat


Give Consumers a Helping Hand to Buy More Monitors

by Omid Rahmat

Our desktops are cluttered with tabs and application windows. Switching between all of them is a brain drain. Surely the display industry has some ideas about how to alleviate the pain.

Tags:Desktop Monitors| multi-display

LG Softens its Hardware for the Future

by Omid Rahmat

Displays are the face of our computing future. It’s time to put some brains and personality behind them and not just lead with looks.

Tags:AI & Machine Learning| Apple| AWS| Google| LG| Microsoft| Software

Premium Displays Can Do it All

by Omid Rahmat

Premium displays are not a rising tide that lifts all boats, at least not as far as the display industry is concerned.

Tags:Apple| BOE| LG| OLED| Samsung| Smartphones

Crowdfunding Your Display Business

by Omid Rahmat

There’s something to be said for the customer intimacy that comes with crowdfunding an initial production run for a new product but it may not be for everyone.

Tags:Crowdfunding (Kickstarter etc)