Isaac Oburu


Wolf Cinema intros six new Ultra HD 4K ready projectors

by Isaac Oburu

Wolf Cinema, a leading manufacturer of high-performance home cinema projectors, today announced the release of key upgrades to four existing home theater projectors, plus two all-new projector and processor ensembles, built around advanced 6th …

Tags:CES 2016| HDMI| LCOS| Projectors

Samsung Reveals Entire 2016 Smart TV Line-up Will be IoT Ready

by Isaac Oburu

Samsung Electronics announced that its entire 2016 Smart TV line-up will be Internet of Things (IoT) ready and connected with the SmartThings platform. SmartThings is an open platform that allows users to connect, manage …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Samsung| Smart TV

Intel Completes Acquisition of Altera

by Isaac Oburu

Intel Corporation (“Intel”) today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Altera Corporation (“Altera”), a leading provider of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology. The acquisition complements Intel’s leading-edge product portfolio and enables new …

Tags:Intel| Mergers & Acquisitions

Korean Government Invests to Boost Digital Signage

by Isaac Oburu

Yonhap News Agency has reported that South Korea’s ICT ministry said Monday that it will spend 78.9 billion won (US$67.3 million) over the period to 2018 to develop the digital signage industry in line …

Tags:Digital Signage| Korea

Mouser Features the Latest Type-C and 3.1 on New USB Technology Site

by Isaac Oburu

Mouser Electronics, Inc. today unveiled its newly designed USB Technology site, created to give engineers easy-to-access information on the latest technical advances in USB Standards. As part of Mouser’s growing selection of Applications & …

Tags:Applications| USB

DUNE HD SOLO 4K — new model for the New Year!

by Isaac Oburu

Dune announced a new model in the DUNE HD media players’ product line. Dune HD SOLO 4K is based on Hi-End Sigma Designs SMP8758 processor. This model significantly extends famous Dune HD media player …

Tags:Digital Signage| Media Players

GTK launches O-Film technology for TFT Displays

by Isaac Oburu

GTK announced the availability of O-Film technology, which, when used in conjunction with standard TFT displays, dramatically improves the achievable viewing angles. The O-Film is a polariser that is applied to the display and …

Tags:display technology| TFT