Isaac Oburu


PTC Brings Augmented Reality to the Enterprise with Vuforia™

by Isaac Oburu

PTC today announced new features for the Vuforia augmented reality (AR) platform targeted for the enterprise. This includes support for Windows 10 devices and the introduction of the groundbreaking VuMark™ solution for delivering AR …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Windows

Boeing 737 MAX Takes First Flight

by Isaac Oburu

The Boeing 737 MAX took its first flight in Renton, Wash. on 29th January 2016. The new 737 MAX flight deck includes four configurable 15.1″ LCD displays from Rockwell Collins. In addition to the …

Tags:Aviation| Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Rockwell Collins| Vol 23 - Issue 04

Xiaomi to Enter Middle East

by Isaac Oburu

Dubai-based Task FZCO has begun to distribute Xiaomi smartphones in the Middle East and North Africa. Handsets will initially be available in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Tags:Distribution| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 04| Xiaomi

Wireless Charging Rumoured for iPhone 7S

by Isaac Oburu

According to reports, Apple is developing a new wireless charging technology that looks set to debut on next year’s iPhone 7S. The new technology could allow iPhones and iPads to be charged anywhere in …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 04| Wireless Charging

Sky Prices SkyQ

by Isaac Oburu

Sky has revealed the price of its SkyQ set-top box (Sky Overhauls STB, Prepares for UltraHD). The STB will cost £100 ($145) for installation, with monthly payments of £42 ($60) for the subscription. Non-Sky …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Sky| STBs| Vol 23 - Issue 04

GFU Expects 2.4 Million UHD Sales

by Isaac Oburu

Hans-Joachim Kamp, chairman of the GFU in Germany, has said that HDTV has prevailed very quickly among customers due to the convincing image quality. He adds that UltraHD is developing in the same way, …

Tags:4k| Germany| Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| UltraHD & 4K| Vol 23 - Issue 04