Isaac Oburu


ZTE Becomes Official Smartphone of Sevilla Football Club

by Isaac Oburu

ZTE Mobile Devices today announced the signing of a sponsorship deal with Sevilla Football Club to serve as the club’s “Official Technology Partner.” This sponsorship seals the deal for ZTE to be the official …


LEADER Joins the TICO Alliance to Promote Efficient UHD Content Delivery

by Isaac Oburu

LEADER Electronics Corporation, a globally active producer of high-grade test and measurement equipment for the broadcast industry, announces that it has joined the TICO Alliance. This decision forms part of LEADER’s commitment to ensure …

Tags:Broadcast| Test Equipment| UltraHD (4KTV)


Zenfone Shipments Lowered

by Isaac Oburu

Asus has adjusted the set target for worldwide shipments of its Zenfone-series smartphones from 30 million to 25 million units. Analysts suspect the downward adjustment is due to increasing competition from China-based smartphone vendors …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Google Pushes Android 6.0 to Shield

by Isaac Oburu

The Nvidia Shield (Nvidia Reaffirms Move to Gaming Products With Streaming Console) is the first device to get version 6.0 (Marshmallow) of Android TV. The software update comes with new features and includes various …

Tags:Android| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Nvidia| STBs| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Liberty Global Prepares UHD Boxes

by Isaac Oburu

Balan Nair, CTO of Liberty Global, has said that their set-top boxes will be UltraHD-capable beginning next year. However, Liberty Global has said that it has no plans to introduce UltraHD services itself this …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| Liberty Global| Mobile Display Monitor| STBs| UltraHD (4KTV)| Vol 23 - Issue 07


NEC Successfully Showcases ‘Your World is Our Showroom’

by Isaac Oburu

NEC Display Solutions Europe concluded a successful ISE 2016 with the theme, ‘Your world is our showroom’. ISE 2016 highlighted NEC’s innovation in LCD, LED and laser technologies, touch and interactivity and sensor technologies …

Tags:Awards| Back Panel| ISE 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NEC| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Samsung Pay Continues Global Momentum in 2016

by Isaac Oburu

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., announced that Samsung Pay, the most accepted mobile payment service that works at the majority of merchants today, has reached a global milestone – about five million registered users processed …

Tags:Korea| Mobile Apps| Mobile Phones| Payment Systems| Samsung| USA

Nanoco Shines at Prism Awards

by Isaac Oburu

Nanoco was selected as the winner of the Prism Awards, 2016 in the Materials and Coatings category, for its cadmium-free quantum dots. The award was presented at a ceremony held in San Francisco during …

Tags:Awards| Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Nanoco| Quantum Dots| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Freeview Play Technical Specs Made Public

by Isaac Oburu

Digital UK has opened up on the technical specification for Freeview Play. This means that all broadcasters, platforms and equipment manufacturers can participate in the next gen hybrid DTT/OTT platform. Development of the platform …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Terrestrial (DTT)| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 07