Damir Lokas


PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 70.6 Million Units Worldwide

by Damir Lokas

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) today announced new sales milestones for PlayStation®4 (PS4™) computer entertainment system, PlayStation®VR (PS VR) virtual reality system, and PS4 and PS VR games. PS4 has cumulatively sold through more than …


DSCC is Bullish On Equipment Spending

by Damir Lokas

Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) has a new release of its Capex forecast and believes that the market is bigger than other analysts have reported. The firm said that it believes that others have …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Production Equipment| Vol 24 - Issue 46

Personalised Displays Could be a Differentiator in Cars

by Damir Lokas

Strategy Analytics has a new report that has identified that personalisation of in-car displays can be a signficant differentiator for consumers in the US, Western Europe and China. The interest in displays has been …

Tags:Automotive| HMI| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 46