Bob Raikes

ihs display drivers

High Resolution Helps Boost Driver Revenues

by Bob Raikes

IHS said that revenues for display driver ICs will peak at $6.8 billion in 2017, due mainly to the demand for higher resolution displays in smartphones and other applications. Smartphones boasting full high-definition (FHD) …

Tags:Chip Production| Display Drivers| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Donovan and Ktisti join Brandpath

by Bob Raikes

Fergal Donovan and Marios Ktisti, both previously with Ingram Micro Mobility, have joined Brandpath, the parent company of Expansys and Data Select. Former Expansys CEO, Anthony Catterson has formed a new company, RLVNT Consulting.

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| People| Recruitment & Appointments| Vol 22 - Issue 42


PlayStation 4 Price Drops in Europe

by Bob Raikes

Sony has cut the price of PlayStation 4 to €349, which is the same price as the 500GB XBox One.

Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PlayStation| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Taiwan Smartphones Down 10% in Q3

by Bob Raikes

Digitimes Research said that smartphone shipments from Taiwan-based brands and ODMs dropped by 10% to 19.54 million in the third quarter of 2015. Compal was the top producer in Taiwan, followed by Asustek which …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphone Market| Taiwan| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Mi TV 3 01 790x444

Xiaomi UltraHD 60″ TV Costs Under $800

by Bob Raikes

Xiaomi of China has announced a 60″ UltraHD TV that uses an IPS panel and includes upscaling and Smart TV features including an MStar 6A928 SoC quad-core processor and 2GB of RAM with 8GB …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 42

mitsubishi electric

Mitsubishi Develops Laser Backlight

by Bob Raikes

Nikkei reports that Mitsubishi showed a new laser-based display at the recent Ceatec show in Japan. The set is said to use RGB laser diodes for the backlight of a 50″ LCD display and …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Laser TVs| LCD Backlights| Mobile Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Verizon adds 42,000 for FiOS Video

by Bob Raikes

Verizon said that it has added 42,000 additional FiOS Video connections in Q3 2015, with 114,000 new fios internet connections. The total video connections is now 5.8 million, up from 5.533 million for the …

Tags:FTTH| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| USA| Verizon| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Videocon d2h Boosts Subscribers in Q3

by Bob Raikes

Videocon d2h has added 0.2 million net new subscribers in India in Q3 2015, to bring its total up to 14.27 million which it claims as a 21% market share of the DTH market.

Tags:India| Large Display Monitor| Satellite| Vol 22 - Issue 42

45% of WE Broadband Homes Have a Smart TV

by Bob Raikes

Parks Associates said that 45% of Western European broadband households own a smart TV, with the highest percentage in Germany, where over 50% of broadband households have this type of internet-connected CE device.

Tags:broadband| Large Display Monitor| Smart TV| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Omantel to offer IPTV based on du’s Technology

by Bob Raikes

Omantel said it would work with Du of Dubai to bring IPTV to Oman, using technology from Du.

Tags:Broadcast| IPTV| Large Display Monitor| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 42

360Heros Claims 360 Deg Camera Patent

by Bob Raikes

360Heros of the US said that it has been issued with a patent covering the multi-camera 360 video holding assemblies it has been developing. The firm said that US patent for invention number 9,152,019 …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Vol 22 - Issue 42


Touch Struggles on Notebooks

by Bob Raikes

IHS said that touch panel shipments for notebooks were down 7% QoQ in the second quarter at 4.6 million units according to a report in the CTimes. The total market in the first half …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Touch Market| Vol 22 - Issue 42