Bob Raikes


TV shipments will hold up against recession

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Broadband TV News reported a talk by Paul Gray of Omdia at the HbbTV Symposium in Prague in which he forecast that 2023 would be a quiet year with a weak start …

Tags:Europe| Forecasts| TV Set Market

LG Display facing delays in OLEDoS spending plan

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec said that plans by LG Display to make OLEDoS displays (after being requested by Apple) for headset use have been delayed as there is no agreement between LG Corporation, the …

Tags:Financial Data| Investment| LG Displays (LGD)| Microdisplays

Samsung Display Considers production of 27″ QD-OLED monitor panel

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Quoting UBI Research’s CEO, Coong Hoon Yi speaking at an event in Seoul, The Elec said that Samsung Display (SDC) is considering building a G8.6 fab to make 27″ panels for …

Tags:Apple| OLED Monitors| OLED Notebooks| QD OLEDs| Samsung Display| tablets

Leia Inc. Announces $125M Debt Financing

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We have been reporting on Leia Inc, which is developing lightfield displays, since 2017. Now Auganix reports that it has agreed $125 million in growth credit financing from a fund managed …

Tags:Financial Data| Investment| Light Field Displays

MICLEDI Claims Red GaN MicroLED Breakthrough for AR Glasses

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Micledi Microdisplays said that it has made red (630nm) LEDs based on GaN that have a FWHM of 50nm. The firm said that the device manufacturing is  compatible with MICLEDI’s proprietary …

Tags:Augmented Reality| LED| MicroLED| Semiconductors

LG Display starts to ship LTPO AMOLED displays to Apple

by Bob Raikes

What They Say ETNews reported that LG Display has now started shipping LTPO AMOLED displays to Apple, breaking what has up to now been an exclusive deal with SDC.  What We Think In its …

Tags:Apple| BOE| Flexible Displays| LG Displays (LGD)| LTPO TFT| OLEDs| Samsung Display| Smartphone Market| Supply Chain

Kyocera Making microLEDs and microLasers Using Lateral Growth

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Kyocera said that it has a new process to make micro light sources (lasers and microLEDs) by growing the GaN layer used laterally which concentrates the defects in a central area …

Tags:Kyocera| LED| MicroLED| Semiconductors

First $800,000 219″ Samsung The Wall residential microLED TV Installed

by Bob Raikes

What They Say CEPro reported that a California-based integrator, Just One Touch/Video & Audio Center, has installed the first-ever residential installation of Samsung’s latest 219″ microLED after upselling the client from an interest in a …

Tags:Samsung| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| TVs (TV Sets)| USA

Meta fires 11,000 – Reality Labs Impact Unclear

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Meta has fired 11,000 staff as it deals with the challenges of reduced revenue and tougher times for the big tech companies. Mark Zuckerberg apologised for the process and said that …

Tags:| Financial Data| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Virtual Reality