ARInsider Calculates Quest Headset Sales

What They Say

ARInsider has dug into the latest quarterly result and done some ‘back of the envelope’ calculations to try to work out how many headsets Meta sold in Q3. Meta Reality Labs (MRL) revenue declined to $285 million, down 49% from 2021 and down 37% from Q2. (and the division lost $3.96 billion in the quarter!). The site assumed that software and apps including games is around 23%. Taking 92% of what’s left (to exclude accessories, you get $201.9 million for Quest 2.

At an ASP of $429 that would mean around 471K set sold in Q3 which means that the forecast of 5.9 million for the year from ARtillery Intelligence may be a bit over-optimistic. The result means that the installed base is probably around 10.3 million at the end of September – getting to Meta’s goal of 10 million.

What We Think

The company continues to invest heavily in the Metavers, despite the views of investors. 

10 million was the ‘magic number’ that the firm thought could give enough of an installed base to allow solid app development. (BR)

Quest2 prediction