Advanced TV Market to Grow to $34B by 2027

Advanced TV shipments are expected to grow by a 14% CAGR through 2027 to 34.4M units generating $34.4B in revenue, according to the latest update to DSCC’s Quarterly Advanced TV Shipment and Forecast Report.

In our updated long-term forecast, we expect total Advanced TV shipments to grow by a 14% CAGR from 2020 to 2027 to 34.4M units, with OLED TV growing at a faster 19% CAGR to 12.5M and Advanced LCD TV units growing at 12% to 21.8M. We expect MicroLED to increase to 60k units in 2026 but this still represents less than 0.2% of the Advanced TV market.

Advanced TV Shipments by Screen Size and Technology, 2018 to 2026 Source: DSCC

Our Take

2023 is going to be a bellwether for technology, hand-in-hand with consumer spending. There is a range of opinions on recessionary, deflationary, and general downturn trends but not any consensus. We are in uncharted waters in this post-pandemic era. One thing that may happen is that manufacturers may accelerate the obsolescence of older lines which could be good news for newer tech. That could put margin pressure on newer technologies that are pushed into adoption quicker in order to protect existing capex investments in new tech. So, it may be good news at the top, and a surge of buying at the lower end of the scale as prices drop to clear out inventories.