Year: 2022


JDI to drive automotive display sales with new technologies

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Digitimes reported on a push by JDI to try to raise 40% of its revenue from automotive displays in this financial year. The report said that production of automotive OLEDs with …

Tags:Automotive| Japan Display Inc (JDI)| SID Display Week 2022| Transparent Displays

Guttag Explains the Challenges of Occlusion and Passthrough AR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Of course, I wondered if Karl Guttag had posted recently when I saw this news, but I ended up tracking down an interesting talk he gave on the challenges of Optical …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mixed Reality| Virtual Reality

Rockets & Feathers in Display Pricing

by Bob Raikes

Hat-tip today to Paul Krugman, an economist that writes for the New York times who introduced me to the phrase “rockets and feathers”. It got me thinking about pricing. In using the phrase, which …

Tags:Large LCD Supply| Pricing

The Magic Leap 2 launches September 30th for $3,299

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Magic Leap said that its V2 headset would go on sale in some countries on 30th September at $3,299, although there are also a “Developer Pro” ($4,099) and an “Enterprise” option …

Tags:Augmented Reality

MicroLED Industry Association is Formed

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Publishing website MicroLED-Info’s Ron Mertens has started a new trade association – the MicroLED Industry Association. What We Think It will be interesting to see how the site manages to balance …