Year: 2022


Global PC Shipments in Q2 2022 See Largest YoY Decline Since Q2 2013

by Artem Alekseenko

Global PC shipments fell 11.1% YoY in Q2 2022 to reach 71.2 million units and record the largest YoY decline since Q2 2013, according to Counterpoint data. The Q2 2022 decline was largely due …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)

Samsung Patents Variable Refresh Zones for Smartphones

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Galaxy Club in the Netherlands reported a couple of new Samsung Korean patents that show how a smartphone screen could have several zones that could be updated at different refresh rates. …

Tags:Patents| Samsung| Smartphones

Mini Aceman Concept Previews Circular OLED

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say BMW has shown a Mini concept, the Aceman that is an ‘all electric crossover model’. The concept includes a large circular OLED and a projector that can put designs on the …

Tags:Automotive| Free Form Displays| OLEDs

Now Trending in Education: When Technology Becomes a Hot Mess

by Len Scrogan

Have you been wondering what’s happening these days in the education arena, PCSE (post-covid shutdown era)? This series of four articles spotlights some of the most recent post-pandemic downtrends now taking shape in K12 …
