Year: 2022


Portrait Displays Announces Release of Calman 2022 Software

by Artem Alekseenko

Portrait Displays, global leader in color calibration solutions and advanced display control is pleased to announce the release of Calman 2022 software. Portrait Displays’ Calman color calibration solutions are widely recognized by color professionals …

Tags:Display Calibration| Portrait Displays| Software

SES Under Pressure

by Bob Raikes

What They Say SES, the bellwether for the satellite broadcast industry, reported its financials and noted that the video division was down 7% YoY although revenue from its HD+ service and Sports and Event …

Tags:Financial Data| Satellite

Spain bans retail digital signage after 10pm to save energy

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AVInteractive reports that the Spanish government has banned retail digital signage after 10.00pm to save energy. This, of course, is driven by the plan to reduce gas consumption after the Russian …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Environment| Retail| Spain

Consumer Aversion to Touchscreen Germs is Here to Stay

by Artem Alekseenko

New research has found that consumers across the world are still concerned about using public touchscreens due to fears of germ transmission. Some are even changing their behaviour to avoid using them altogether in …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| Touch Displays

SDC Publishes Paper on NanoRod LEDs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Nature has published an article from Samsung Display describing blue InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) nanoRod LEDs (nLEDs) that have high EQE (20.2±0.6%). The group studied the interaction between the GaN …

Tags:LED| QNED| Quantum Dots| R&D (Research & Development)| Samsung

NuEyes and Samsung Partner for AR Glasses

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Samsung Electronics America has done a deal with NuEyes Technologies to deliver healthcare solutions using Samsung smartphones and smartglasses from NuEyes NuEyes Technologies PRO Series Augmented Reality smartglasses are lightweight glasses …

Tags:Medical| Samsung| Virtual Reality

Bringing the Movie House Home

by Andy Marken

We really like movies. In fact, we watched two pretty decent movies last weekend. Clicked through our streaming services, found a couple on our “gotta catch this” list and watched them. It’s been that …

Tags:audio| Comcast| Dolby Atmos| Home Cinema| Home Theatre| Pay TV| Streaming Video| TVs (TV Sets)

A Deeper Dive into the Hidden Display in ShyTech

by Bob Raikes

Earlier this year, top tier automotive supplier Continental announced a new technology that it called ‘Shytech’ – the idea being that the display in a dashboard disappears behind a ‘natural’ (wood, leather etc) surface …

Tags:AUO| Automotive| Privacy| SID Display Week 2022

Visteon Technology Enriches the Quality of Automotive Display Graphics

by Artem Alekseenko

Visteon Corporation, a global technology company serving the mobility industry, has developed an integrated system that dynamically improves the vehicle display contrast ratio. The company’s solution uses proprietary advanced algorithms to control the full …


LG Announces U.S. Pricing & Availability Of New 2022 CineBeam Projectors

by Artem Alekseenko

LG Electronics USA announced U.S. pricing and availability of its 2022 LG Ultra Short Throw CineBeam projector models, delivering immersive cinematic experiences that bring the home theater experience to a new level. The flagship …

Tags:Laser Projectors| LG Electronics (LGE)

Real-time VVC/H.266 UHD Encoder Announced by Spin Digital

by Artem Alekseenko

Spin Digital announced the availability of the first version of a real-time VVC/H.266 encoder designed for live UHD (4K and 8K) streaming and broadcasting applications. The new VVC encoder can reduce the bitrate at …

Tags:Encoders| VVC (H.266)