Year: 2022


Links Week Starting 12th December 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week.  Fraunhofer Develops ‘Push/Pull’ microspeaker (Not a display, …

Tags:Acer| Apple| audio| Canon| Desktop Monitors| Interactive Displays| ISE 2023| MMD (AOC Philips)| Samsung| Smart TV| SmartGlasses| STBs| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| ViewSonic| Virtual Sets

Apple Thinking of Folding MacBook in 2026/27?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec in its Korean version reported that Apple is working on a development project to create a ‘low 20″‘ range foldable notebook and it could be 20.25″ using a panel …

Tags:Apple| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Notebooks| OLED Notebooks| OLEDs

Asus teases 27″ 240Hz OLED gaming monitor

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Asus has teased a 27″ QuadHD 240Hz OLED gaming monitor that will be revealed in more detail at CES next month. What We Think Given the specification, this looks to be …

Tags:Asus| OLED Monitors

Christie Adds to its Lineup of RealLaser Cinema Projectors

by Artem Alekseenko

Christie®, a global leader in digital cinema projection and audio technologies announces the addition of three new cinema projectors for boutique and mid-sized theatres. The new Christie Cinelife+™ Series CP2415-RGB and CP2420-RGB offer the highest energy efficiency with Real|Laser™ illumination and …

Tags:Christie| Projectors

Meta Headsets Back on Sale in Germany

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Meta’s VR headsets are going back onto the shelves in Germany after a hiatus when the platform was taken off the market when the German courts said that the firm was …

Tags:| Germany| Litigation| Privacy| Virtual Reality

Epistar Ties Together some miniLED and microLED Challenges

by Bob Raikes

I’ve been enjoying the recent TechBlick virtual event this week and I couldn’t resist a third article covering miniLED and microLED and hear from one of the key players, Epistar. (TechBlick did a great …

Tags:LED| MicroLED| MiniLED| Outdoor Displays| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Taiwan

chart rising

AUO & Innolux Ease Up Slightly in November

by Bob Raikes

What They Say While AUO and Innolux both reported revenues up from last month by 1.7% to $570 million and by 3.6% to $528 million, respectively, they were both down dramatically from last year …

Tags:AUO| Innolux| Large LCD Supply| Pricing| Taiwan