Year: 2022


LG Display betting on the recovery of TV demand in 2023

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec highlighted that LG Display will ship fewer OLED TV panels than it had initially hoped – at around 7.8 million units, with 5.4 million being made in Guangzhou, China …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)| OLED TVs| Samsung


Samsung Has Three Tizen SmartTV Partners

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Samsung has been saying for a while that it was interested in licensing its Tizen OS to partner TV brands. According to Channel News in Australia, the firm has signed with …

Tags:LG Electronics (LGE)| Samsung| Smart TV| Tizen| WebOS

MicroLED and QDs: Selected Technology Highlights (Part 2)

by Khashayar Ghaffarzadeh

Display Daily is a media sponsor for the Techblick Mini- and Micro-LED and Quantum Dot events on 30th November and 1st December. The firm has kindly provided us with a number of interesting extracts …

Tags:Microdisplays| MicroLED| MiniLED| Perovskite| Power Consumption| Quantum Dots

MicroLED and QDs: Selected Technology Highlights (Part1)

by Khashayar Ghaffarzadeh

Display Daily is a media sponsor for the Techblick Mini- and Micro-LED and Quantum Dot events on 30th November and 1st December. The firm has kindly provided us with a number of interesting extracts …

Tags:InkJet Deposition| Microdisplays| MicroLED| MiniLED

Omdia: The Semiconductor Market’s Slowdown Picks Up Speed

by Artem Alekseenko

The second quarter of 2022 was the third consecutive quarter of weakening revenue growth for the semiconductor market, with the market now in decline according to Omdia’s Competitive Landscape Tracker. Revenue for 2Q22 declined …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| Semiconductor Market

IMAX Acquires Streaming Technology Company SSIMWAVE Inc.

by Artem Alekseenko

IMAX Corporation announced it has acquired SSIMWAVE Inc., a leader in AI-driven video quality solutions for media and entertainment companies. The move marks a significant expansion of IMAX’s strategy to deliver the highest quality …

Tags:IMAX| Mergers & Acquisitions

New Christie HS Series 1DLP Projector

by Artem Alekseenko

Christie® is pleased to announce the launch of the next generation of its popular HS Series 1DLP® projectors with three new models. Ranging in brightness from 15,750 lumens to 23,650 lumens, the new models …

Tags:Christie| DLP Projectors| Projectors

Sony Electronics Announces a New Generation in 4K HDR 3D/2D Surgical Displays

by Artem Alekseenko

Sony Electronics is expanding its lineup of surgical LCD displays with two versatile options, the LMD-XH550MT (55-inch) and LMD-XH320MT (32-inch). The new models can be paired with surgical endoscopes, microscopes and surgical robots for …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Medical| sony| UltraHD & 4K

Links Week Starting 26th September 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week – only a few as I have …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Broadcast| Colour Grading| Desktop Monitors| Epson| Game Playing| Google| iPhone| LCD Projectors (3LCD)| MMD (AOC Philips)| Nvidia| Retail| Streaming Dongles| Testing