Year: 2022


Broadcast Monitors at IBC 2022

by Bob Raikes

Last week I got to my most recent trade show, the IBC or International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, 2022 edition. It starts just a few days after IFA and looks at the other end …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Colour Critical Monitors| Dell| Dual Panel LCDs| HP Inc| IBC 2022| Testing

Leveraging The Avixa Image System Contrast Ratio (ISCR) Standard

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AV trade association and event and training supplier, Avixa, has released a new standard for Image System Contrast Ratio (ISCR), aimed at helping those specifying and installing AV systems to define …

Tags:Avixa (was Infocomm)| Contrast| Pro AV

LG OLED TVs at Bargain Prices at Best Buy

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Verge spotted that Best Buy in the US has reduced its pricing on LG OLED TVs, with a 55″ B2 OLED reduced from $1,600 to $1,000, a reduction of 38%. …

Tags:LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED TVs| Pricing| TVs (TV Sets)

Ray Soneira Loves the iPhone 14 Pro Max

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Ray Soneira of DisplayMate has put the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max through his barrage of tests and found it to be very good. It has exceptionally high peak brightness (low …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| OLEDs| Smartphones| Testing

Sky Stream will launch in the UK

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Sky said that it would sell its Sky Stream service and ‘puck’ in the UK. Up to now, the service has only been available to buyers of the Sky Glass TV …

Tags:Pay TV| Satellite| Sky| Streaming Video| UK (United Kingdom)

McKinsey Values Immersive Opportunity

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In its round-up of innovation and technology opportunities, McKinsey has ‘immersive-reality’ technologies as #9 in its list based on $30 billion of investment in 2021. Interest in the technology has declined …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Financial Data| Forecasts| Virtual Reality

Innolux Aggressive on Auto Displays – Inks Deal with Corning

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Innolux has posted a press release highlighting a deal between its CarUX business unit and Corning. CarUX will supply Corning’s ColdForm technology which can act as a cover for large vehicle …

Tags:Automotive| Corning| Glass| Innolux