Year: 2022


MSI Highlights QD OLED and Adds Touch Display

by Bob Raikes

What They Say MSI has again highlighted its 34″ QD-OLED panel-based gaming monitor in a global product launch. (Dell Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Review & MSI Joins In)  It’s base specification is similar to the Dell/Alienware …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| MSI| PCs| QD OLEDs| Touch Displays

Links Week Ending 30th September 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the end of this week. There are a lot again as I was …

Tags:Apple| audio| Augmented Reality| Broadcast| Digital Photography| Digital Signage| DisplayLink| Foldable Devices| Forecasts| Germany| LG Electronics (LGE)| Litigation| Market Data| MicroLED| Microsoft| Notebooks| Pay TV| QSRs & Menu Boards| Samsung| Sky| Smart TV| Streaming Video| TVs (TV Sets)

Intel and Samsung are getting ready for ‘slidable’ PCs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In its Innovation 2022 event, Intel showed a prototype slidable/rollable OLED-based PC which opens out from a 13″ diagonal to 17″. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger introduced JS Choi of Samsung Display …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Intel| R&D (Research & Development)| Rollable Devices| Rollable Displays| Samsung

Apple request development of 3500ppi OLEDoS to Samsung and LG

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Apple has asked Samsung and LG Display to develop OLEDoS microdisplays with support for 3500ppi rather than a previously reported density of 2800ppi. (Samsung Display and LG Display developing OLEDoS and …

Tags:Apple| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| LG Displays (LGD)| Microdisplays| OLEDs| Samsung Display| Virtual Reality

Alienware Adds Lower Cost QD-OLED Gaming Monitor

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Dell’s Alienware brand has released a lower cost version of its 34″ 21:9 QD-OLED monitor, the AW3423DWF. (an F on the end of the previous AW3423DW). The display specification is the same as …

Tags:Dell| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing