Year: 2022


Inuru at CES with OLED labels

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Hat-tip to Alfred Poor, long time tech journalist and, these days, working on “Health Tech Insider” for sending me a press release from Inuru, a German company that will be at …

Tags:InkJet Deposition| Medical| OLEDs| Retail

Updates in anticipation of Avatar release

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In preparation for the release of Avatar:The Way of Water, we’ve seen a small flurry of activity. Barco sent out guidance to cinema operators of its projectors with details of the …

Tags:3D Cinema| Dolby| IMAX

Shipments of Medium and Large OLEDs To Keep Expanding

by Bob Raikes

What They Say UBI Research reported, via, that it expects the number of medium/large OLEDs sold to expand from 26.1 million expected in 2022 to 69.5 million in 2027. Difficult economic conditions meant …

Tags:Automotive| Forecasts| Market Data| Notebooks| OLEDs| tablets| TVs (TV Sets)

Toshiba Has a new Red Phosphor

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Toshiba has a new phosphor that is said to have excellent colour purity and luminence that is six times better than current phosphors when driven by UV light. There are applications …

Tags:MicroLED| Phosphors| toshiba

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LG Display to halt TV LCD panel production in Korea this month

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec reports that LG Display will stop making LCD TV panels in its P7 plant in Korea this month although manufacture of IT LCD panels will continue in the firm’s …

Tags:Large LCD Supply| LCD Fabs| LG Displays (LGD)

Top Display Technologies For 2023

by Sweta Dash

It is time to evaluate display technology trends for 2023. The flat panel display market slowed down considerably in 2022 as demand declined after two years of outstanding growth in demand driven by Pandemic …

Tags:Apple| Desktop Monitors| Foldable Devices| LG Displays (LGD)| LTPO TFT| Microdisplays| MicroOLED (aka OLEoS)| MiniLED| Notebooks| OLED & QD-OLED Monitors| OLEDs| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Samsung| Samsung Display| Smartphone Market| sony| tablets| TVs (TV Sets)