Year: 2022


Vuzix Acquires SAP Software Solution Provider Moviynt

by Artem Alekseenko

Vuzix® Corporation, a leading supplier of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and products, is pleased to announce that it has acquired Moviynt®, a US-based SAP Certified ERP platform software solution provider, to …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Vuzix

DNP Acquires Anti-Bacteria and Anti-Virus Certification for Anti-Glare Film

by Artem Alekseenko

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. has acquired SIAA certification from The Society of International sustaining growth for Antimicrobial Articles (SIAA) related to an anti-bacterial and anti-viral for anti-glare film developed for laptop computers, monitors …

Tags:Anti Glare| Certification| DNP

The Open Metaverse Alliance (OMA3) Launches at Web Summit in Lisbon

by Artem Alekseenko

OMA3™ (Open Metaverse Alliance), an association based in Zug, Switzerland, is announcing open membership to its first working groups at Web Summit, Europe’s largest tech conference. Initial working group participants include some of the …

Tags:The Metaverse

DXO Looks at the iPhone 14 Pro Max and Huawei Mate 50 Pro

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DZOMark looked at the iPhone 14 Pro Max and Huawei Mate 50 Pro, covering displays, cameras, audio and batteries on the Apple device. It said that the iPhone Has the overall top …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Smartphones| Testing

Phosphor & Quantum Dot Industry Forum 2022

by Peter Palomaki

Last week was the return of the in-person Phosphor & Quantum Dot Industry Forum. It’s always a challenge to distil conferences like this into key takeaways, but here is my best shot at highlighting …

Tags:Nanosys| Phosphors| Quantum Dots| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

TV Set sales

Samsung aiming to ship over 40 million TVs in 2023

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec reported that Samsung wants to ship over 40 million TV sets next year, with 39 million using LCD and 1.5 million using QD OLED. The plans do not include …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)

ARInsider Calculates Quest Headset Sales

by Bob Raikes

What They Say ARInsider has dug into the latest quarterly result and done some ‘back of the envelope’ calculations to try to work out how many headsets Meta sold in Q3. Meta Reality Labs …

Tags:| Market Data| The Metaverse| Virtual Reality

BOE developed a transparent direct-view mini-LED display

by Bob Raikes

What They Say BOE has released information in Chinese about a new miniLED display that allows the development of a transparent display where the area of transparency is around 90% of the pixel and …

Tags:BOE| MicroLED| Transparent Displays

Raysolve Microdisplay Shown

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Raysolve based in Hong Kong has released a video demonstrating its latest 0.39″ microLED monolithic microdisplay which is based on blue LEDs with a photolithographic QD colour conversion layer (Raysolve Announced …

Tags:Microdisplays| MicroLED| Quantum Dots

New Technique for Perovskite Patterning from Korea

by Bob Raikes

What They Say reported a new R&D project to develop a new patterning technique for the production of perovskite nanocrystal displays which are ultra-thin and high-resolution. The technique uses a ‘stamp-like’ printing process. …

Tags:PeLED (Perovskite LED)| R&D (Research & Development)