Year: 2022


Omdia Research Finds Display Demand Expected to Rebound in 2023

by Artem Alekseenko

Omdia’s latest Display long-term demand forecast tracker indicates that area demand for displays in 2023 will grow by 6.2% year-on-year (YoY). With softened inflation and slowing interest rate hikes, plummeting demand has bottomed out, …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| Forecasts

LG Display Unveils the World’s First High-Resolution Stretchable Display

by Artem Alekseenko

LG Display, the world’s leading innovator of display technologies, unveiled the world’s first 12-inch high-resolution Stretchable display equipped with an outstanding free-form technology that enables it to be extended, folded, and twisted without distortion …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)| Stretched Displays

Changes in Interfaces Could Really Help 8K Adoption

by Bob Raikes

There have been a number of significant developments in recent weeks in the world of display, and especially monitor, interfacing over recent weeks. It’s time for me to catch up. First, in September, the …

Tags:Display Stream (DSC)| DisplayPort| HDMI| Interfaces| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| USB| VESA

Pimax VR headset Crystal will be cheaper than expected

by Bob Raikes

What They Say VR headset maker, Pimax, has revealed more details of its forthcoming Crystal VR headset. It will have eye and face tracking and use QLED displays with 2880 x 2880 resolution and …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Virtual Reality

MicroLED: Have We Reached the Bottom of the Hype?

by Artem Alekseenko

The market for MicroLED displays is still tiny but could reach $1.3B by 2027, according to DSCC’s latest MicroLED Display Technology and Market Outlook Report. Lowering manufacturing costs will be necessary before MicroLED can become …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| MicroLED

LCD TV Panel Prices Hit Bottom in September, Rebounding in Q4

by Bob O'Brien

After fifteen months of decreases, LCD TV panel prices finally hit bottom in September 2022 and prices for several sizes increased in October. We now expect to see a modest increase in prices through …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Large LCD Supply| LCD Panels| Pricing| Supply Chain

Mid-week Links – Week Ending 11th November 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the middle of this week. Connected TV Advertising’s Big Secret: Two Can Be …

Tags:Application Processors| Augmented Reality| AVOD| Desktop Monitors| Financial Data| Investment| MMD (AOC Philips)| Roku| Samsung| Smart TV| Smartphones| Virtual Reality

VIOSO Smashes 100,000 Test Pattern Milestone

by Artem Alekseenko

VIOSO is celebrating a landmark 100,000 confirmed test images produced with its free test pattern generator tool, which has found global adoption across the pro-AV industry. The tool, a free-to-use multi-display/edge blending test pattern generator, …


YouTube Shorts now on TVs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say YouTube said that it wold bring its ‘Shorts’ vertical format short-form videos to TV screens. Neal Mohan, Chief Product Officer, said: “When we introduced this new format, we optimised the experience for …

Tags:Smart TV| TVs (TV Sets)| YouTube


Pixelworks Reports Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results

by Artem Alekseenko

Pixelworks, Inc., a leading provider of innovative video and display processing solutions, announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022. Third Quarter Overview Total revenue increased 16% year-over-year and decreased 8% …

Tags:Analytics & Tools| Pixelworks

Lepow Announces the Z1 Ultra-Slim Portable Display Monitor

by Artem Alekseenko

Due to COVID 19, many people are looking for better workspace decoration methods to improve their remote worklife quality. And a portable monitor has gradually become a must have for people who need to …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor

LG Confirms 27″ OLED Monitor Details

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We reported a Korean press article suggesting that LG would extend the range of its OLED monitors down to 27″ and now the firm has released details (LG Display to Extend …

Tags:LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED Monitors| USA