Year: 2022


Vizio SmartCast Now has 15M Users

by Bob Raikes

What They Say At a Needham conference, Vizio said that it now has 15 million active SmartCast users up from 12 million in March 2021. The CFO, Adam Townsend, said that more than 85% …

Tags:AVOD| Smart TV| SVOD| USA| Vizio

Links Week Starting 17th January 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. Here’s a nice VFX show reel if …

Tags:Cinema| Colour Grading| Desktop Monitors| Digital Signage| Google| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Netflix| OLEDs| Operating Systems| Pricing| Retail| USA

The Green Planet AR experience opening in London

by Bob Raikes

What They Say There is a new AR experience called ‘The Green Planet AR Experience’ that is due to open on February 11th in London. The event was reated by Factory 42 with BBC …

Tags:5G| Augmented Reality| BBC| Environment| Location-based Entertainment (LBE)| Samsung| Smartphones| UK (United Kingdom)

Asus Fog Clears a Little

by Bob Raikes

What They Say I was confused earlier in the week as I had seen reports that an Asus notebook, the ROG Zephyrus Duo 16 (2022) GX650 was using panels by BOE but I also …

Tags:Asus| Game Playing| LCD displays| Notebooks

Omdia: OLED Could Take 10% of the Notebook Market

by Bob Raikes

What They Say OLED Info quoted some data from Omdia on OLED sales in IT applications. The report detailed that Omdia numbered the volume of notebook displays shipped in 2021 as 5.58 million with …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Notebooks| OLEDs

Tuning Judder

by Ken Werner

In December, the famed video processing company Pixelworks introduced TrueCut software, and at CES 2022 announced a partnership with TCL. TCL’s 98-inch TV introduced at CES will support TrueCut. At a meeting in the …

Tags:CES 2022| Cinema| HFR - High Frame Rate| Pixelworks| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)