Year: 2022


Forecasting Synchronicity

by Bob Raikes

Forecasts have been on my mind this week after my Display Daily on Tuesday and the subsequent comments by DSCC’s Bob O’Brien. I then saw an interesting report with a forecast for the display …

Tags:Film materials| Forecasts| Market Data| Quantum Dots

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German TV Market Down on 2020, but up on 2019

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The GfU in Germany reported that the German TV market reached almost 5.9 million units in 2021 and that the ASP of sets dropped by 16% to €694 meaning a market …

Tags:Germany| Market Data| TVs (TV Sets)

CSOT forms team to eye iPhone OLED supply

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say The Elec reports that CSOT has made a special team to try to win OLED business from Apple for its T4 G6 flexible OLED fab. Two phases are live and with …

Tags:Apple| CSOT| Flexible Displays| OLEDs| Supply Chain

Samsung Electronics Announces Fourth Quarter and FY 2021 Results

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Samsung published its fourth quarter and FY 2021 result and saw record sales and profits for the quarter ($63.6 billion/$11.5 billion) and year ($232 billion/$42.8 billion). Samsung Electronics Announces Fourth Quarter …

Tags:Financial Data| QD OLEDs| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Broadcast in 8K UHD in China

by Bob Raikes

What They Say China Media Group started a new 8K TV channel to broadcast content from the Beijing Winter Olympics. The report said that Monday also saw the launch of a project to set …

Tags:China| Sports and Stadiums| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

DSE postponed to November

by Bob Raikes

What They Say It barely counts as news, but the DSE digital signage event planned, under new ownership, in March to be in Las Vegas, has been postponed to November. What We Think A …

Tags:Digital Signage| Events

Panasonic Projects Immersive Worlds in Las Vegas

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We featured the Area15 entertainment location in Las Vegas (Defining Times for Immersive Destinations) last year. Invidis has now reported on a deal with the location for Panasonic to supply projectors …

Tags:Location-based Entertainment (LBE)| Panasonic| USA

Links Week Ending 28th January 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the second part of this week. (quite a few this week as we …

Tags:Apple Watch (iWatch)| Awards| Desktop Monitors| Digital Signage| Mergers & Acquisitions| Nvidia| OLED TVs| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Streaming Video| Vizio

Quebec Restaurant Chain Starts Deploying Touchless Kiosk Screens

by Bob Raikes

What They Say reported that a QSR in Montreal, Canada has developed with Samsung and the Luxembourg tech firm iNUI Studio some touchless kiosks that use infrared touch sensors that can detect gestures …

Tags:Infrared Touch| QSRs & Menu Boards| Samsung| Touch Market| Touchless Touch

Hisense Shows 8K Laser TV and More

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association also looked at the TVs that Hisense showed at CES as well as its new SoC (Hisense Fills In 8K TV SOC Details). The company is not planning …

Tags:CES 2022| China| Hisense| Laser Projectors| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UST Projectors

Acer Boosts Learning with Four Durable Chromebooks for Education

by Artem Alekseenko

Acer announced four new Chromebooks with the latest technologies, durable designs and a collection of features that optimize them for the education environment. The popularity of Chromebooks continues to grow thanks to the robust …

Tags:Acer| Chromebooks