Year: 2022


Karl Guttag Digs Deep into Magic Leap Presentation

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Karl Guttag has reviewed the Magic Leap presentation presented last week and came to the conclusion that it doesn’t reveal much that couldn’t be discovered with a teardown. However, he also …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| LCOS

Links Week Ending 4th February 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are (quite!) a few from the second part of this week. Amazon Prime Video overtakes Netflix in …

Tags:Amazon| Desktop Monitors| E Ink| Google| HP Inc| Iiyama| Netflix| OLED TVs| Operating Systems| Philips| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Samsung| sony| Testing| The Metaverse| ViewSonic| Xiaomi

NBC to Bring HDR, UltraHD and Atmos to Beijing 2022 Olympics

by Bob Raikes

What They Say NBC will cover the Winter Olympics in UltraHD and with HDR for US viewers. NBC Sports will provide live coverage of the NBC broadcast network’s Olympics primetime and Prime Plus shows …

Tags:Dolby Atmos| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Olympics| Sports and Stadiums| UltraHD| USA

SmartKem and Nanosys Enter into Joint Development Agreement 

by Artem Alekseenko

SmartKem, Inc., a company seeking to reshape the world of electronics with a revolutionary new organic semiconductor platform that enables a new generation of displays, and Nanosys, Inc., the leader in developing and delivering …

Tags:MicroLED| Nanosys

Sigmaintell Updates on January Panel Pricing

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Sigmaintell released its late January forecast for TV pricing and said that panel prices continue to go down in all sizes for this application, with larger panels going down by larger …

Tags:Large LCD Supply| Pricing| Small Medium Panel Supply

LG Announces 2021 Financial Results

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG Electronics reported its results for 2021 with sales overall of $63.16 billion (+28.7% over 2020) and with operating profit of $3.27 billion. The firm cited OLED TVs and premium home …

Tags:Financial Data| LG Electronics (LGE)| Market Data

Consolidated Financial Highlights 21F Third Quarter EIZO

by Bob Raikes

What They Say High end monitor maker Eizo Corportation published its quarterly report. The result showed a good result for its fiscal Q3 with sales up 19.1% from ¥53.5 billion ($467 million) to ¥63.7 …

Tags:Colour Critical Monitors| Eizo| Financial Data

Trendforce Summarises TV Markets

by Bob Raikes

What They Say TrendForce put out results and a forecast for the TV market. It said that the higher prices for panels stalled the market and eventually the set market was down globally in …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| TVs (TV Sets)

World’s Fastest Gaming Monitor Hits 500 Hz Refresh Rate

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A Chinese news outlet, Sina, quoted by Tom’s Hardware and ComputerBase, reports that BOE has built a prototype/demo 500Hz 27″ FullHD monitor for gaming. The LCD uses an oxide backplane and …

Tags:BOE| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| HFR - High Frame Rate| Variable Frame Rate (VRR)

Tetos Treating Modules for Samsung’s MicroLEDs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We were digging around about microLEDs when we stumbled on this article from a couple of months ago, that describes how a Korean company, Tetos, is supplying technology to connect together …

Tags:MicroLED| Production Technology| Samsung

LGD and BOE Competing with SDC for Larger Share of iPhone Business

by Barry Young

Apple has depended on Samsung for the majority of its OLED panel supply, but its policy is to minimize dependency on any single supplier. To that end it has encouraged LG Display (LGD) to …

Tags:BOE| China| CSOT| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Huawei| iPhone| LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs| Samsung Display| Small Medium Panel Supply