Year: 2022


Eizo Sees Healthcare and Creative Displays Grow

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Specialist display maker, Eizo Corp, published its results for the last fiscal year to March 2022. Sales were up 13.4% and GP up 16.2% to 35.6%. Operating income was up from …

Tags:Colour Critical Monitors| Desktop Monitors| Financial Data| Medical

dynascan proc

Double Displays with Dynascan

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Invidis highlighted new products for DOOH kiosks and double-sided window displays from high-brightness LCD specialist Dynascan at this year’s ISE event. The firm has extended into full kiosks that are ready …

Tags:Double (Dual) Sided Displays| High Brightness Displays| ISE 2022| Kiosks| Outdoor Displays

SID’s 60th Anniversary – Optimism in the Face of Falling Panel Prices, Demand and Profitability (Part 2)

by Barry Young

Yesterday, we had the first part of the report by Barry Young on the recent SID Display Week event in San Jose. Here is part 2. (SID’s 60th Anniversary – Optimism in the Face …

Tags:Automotive| Autostereo 3D| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| LG Displays (LGD)| MicroLED| OLED Notebooks| Rollable Devices| Rollable Displays| Samsung Display| SID Display Week 2022| SID Society

SID Exhibit Highlights – LGD, SDC, BOE and China Star

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC published a blog post by Ross Young (registration required) in which he picked out some highlights from what he saw at Display Week. He has some interesting comments on the …

Tags:Foldable Devices| OLED TVs

Q1’22 OLED Revenues Flat Y/Y Despite 4% Unit Decline

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC published its OLED shipment report for Q1 and gave an extract on its blog (registration required) and said that revenues were flat, but units declined 4%. (chart on the blog) …

Tags:Market Data| OLEDs

Kopin Receives Additional $4.8 Million Order for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program

by Artem Alekseenko

Kopin Corporation, a leading provider of high-resolution microdisplays for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), announced it has received an approximately $4.8 million follow-on order of its high-brightness AMLCD microdisplay for the F-35 …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Avionics| Kopin| Microdisplays| Virtual Reality