110″ Foldable LED Display Available for Rental

What They Say

Invidis reported that a German ProAV rental company, Bildkraft, has a foldable 110″ LED display made by Expromo in Denmark and exclusively available through Bikdkraft. It was previously available for sale by Expromo and was developed for the US military. The folding makes transport easier on smaller vehicles. 10 units are available for rental with FullHD and a pitch of 1.26mm and the surface has a protective coating. There is a motorised lift in the transit case.

Multiple displays can be combined for seamless panoramic content.

The transport weight is 280kg and the size is 140 cm long, 80 cm wide and 176 cm high.

Invidis reports that pricing is cheaper for the folding unit than for fixed displays of this size.

What We Think

This is a very practical use of the modular nature of direct view LEDs. It makes me wonder what the world of displays might look like when microLED finally gets here. (BR)

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