
TV Makers Cutting Down and Hunkering Down

According to one of my favorite analsyts, Deborah Yang at Omdia, leading global TV makers, including Samsung and LG Electronics, have revised their third-quarter 2024 shipment forecasts downward, reducing planned shipments by 10%. Similarly, top-tier Chinese TV manufacturers have cut their shipment targets by 5%, resulting in an overall 7% decrease among major global TV makers.

Top-tier Chinese makers’ TV panel purchases. (Source: Omdia)

While Chinese TV makers made strong panel purchases from the second to the third quarter of 2024, the results weren’t as strong as expected. Concerns over high inventory levels and weaker sales have caused them to pull back. In the second quarter, their panel purchases went up by 3% compared to the previous quarter but dropped by 6% compared to the same time last year, missing forecasts by about 4%. Unresolved price negotiations, especially around market development funds, have added to their caution.

For South Korean companies like Samsung and LG, the situation is similar. Their panel purchases jumped by 11% in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter. But now, they’ve reduced their third-quarter shipment plans by 10%, which means panel purchasing will drop by 6% QoQ and 5% YoY.