
Truly Automated Light and Color Measurement for Tell-Tales and Indicators

Evaluating the accuracy of light and color across instrument clusters is a challenge compounded by several factors. The number of indicators, the varying location of symbols, and the range of colors on an automotive display prove complex for automated inspection systems and human inspectors alike.

In this 30-minute webinar, join Radiant Product Manager Shannon Roberts as she presents Auto-POI – the latest technology for light and color measurement of multi-point inspection areas using an Imaging Colorimeter, enabling truly automated evaluation across entire instrument clusters.

  • The fastest, most intuitive evaluation of complex instrument clusters

  • Apply Automatic Points of Interest (POI) in software to measure all illuminated characters on a display at once

  • Toggle between programmed luminance and color thresholds to evaluate symbol sets for cross-symbol uniformity and harmonization

  • Automatically create accurate POIs even when displays are rotated or moved

An audience Q&A will follow a demonstration of the new Auto-POI functionality on an illuminated automotive display.