Vol 23 - Issue 25


Developments in Solid-Liquid Mixtures Suggests New Applications

by Arthur Berman

Researchers within the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University are exploring new means for adjusting the extent that a material scatters light. The researchers believe that such a …

Tags:Materials| MIT| Vol 23 - Issue 25

Samsung Builds 80m Smartphone

by Tom Allen

Last month, Samsung turned an office building in Sokol, Moscow into Europe’s largest Galaxy S7 Edge phone. The signage, reaching 80m tall and 40m wide, was visible from 2.2km away.

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Russia| Samsung| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 23 - Issue 25

Towards Better Educational VR Content

by Len Scrogan

In a previous article (Is educational VR content ready for prime time?) I tackled the notion of educational content categories for both 3D and virtual reality. I wrote: “…3D educational content came in a …

Tags:3D Content Creation| 3D software| Education| Stereo 3D| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 25