TV (Television)


Hisense ULED Wins Global Annual Display Technology Award

by Helen Vince

On Jan. 7, USA local time, the winner of the Annual Display Technology Award was unveiled at the world’s largest and finest consumer electronics show taking place now in Las Vegas, with the honor going to ULED, the …

Tags:Hisense| TV (Television)| UltraHD & 4K


TV Anywhere, or TV Nowhere?

by Helen Vince

TV – A fascinating article appeared in early November in the New York Times titled For Millennials, the End of the TV Viewing Party. The author talks about the early days of television, when family and neighbors would gather …

Tags:Cable| Pay TV| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Buzzcocks Set Revamped With New Displays

by Raverstead

XL Video has supplied new display solutions for studio recordings of UK TV show, Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Several elements of the set rely on video, such as the main screen (4.8m x 2.7m), …

Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 46

EC Unhappy About Telefonica’s Canal+ Deal

by Raverstead

The European Commission has cast further doubt on Telefonica’s proposed acquisition of Canal+ in Spain, warning that the deal is likely to have a severe impact on competition. Telefonica already owns 22% of Canal+ …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Monopolies (Anti Trust)| Spain| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Apple TV end

PC Magazine Sees Apple Bowing Out of Home Entertainment

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

TV – In a recent article, PC Magazine has suggested that Apple will not only not renew any home entertainment products but in the longer term, the company will abandon all home entertainment activities …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

HBO Announces OTT Service for 2015

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

TV – The discussion about the future of TV in the US is not only a consequence of weaker TV set sales, but is also based on declining subscriptions to cable services. Discussions about …

Tags:Broadcast| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Opinion| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

China is Largest Buyer of 4K/UHD TVs

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

TV – An article in EET India discusses the uptake of 4K / UHD TV in the global markets. With more and more TV makers announcing UHD TV sets at lower and lower prices, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Source: Apple

Icahn Enterprises Sees TV as Large Opportunity for Apple

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

TV – In a recent open letter to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, investor and billionaire Carl Icahn describes what he expects from Apple. Owning roughly 53 million shares in the company, his number one …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 41| Volume 21

Funai/Philips Outsourcing Woes

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

TV – Philips was one of the household names that we grew up with when it came to any form of consumer electronics, appliances, light bulbs, etc. As a Europe based company, time has …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

4K is Making Progress in Reaching the Consumer

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

4K – These days reporting on the display and CE markets must include some news on UHD/4K to be up-to-date. So, here is our update. FlatpanelsHD and 4K News and Reviews are taking a …

Tags:Amazon| DisplayLink| Large Display Monitor| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

IFA Ends with OLED TV Questions

by Raverstead

IFA 2014 – IFA  has ended and that completes a week of coverage for me. Most of my time was spent looking at and talking about TVs. So what are the lessons from the …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Opinion| TV (Television)