TV sales


Selling TVs to Future Generations

by Omid Rahmat

Future brand loyalists may not need all your specs but they do need your attention to detail.

Tags:Gen X| Hisense| LG| Samsung| showcase| TCL| TV sales

Free Ad-Supported TV (FAST): A Value Proposition

by Omid Rahmat

It all says to me that we are seeing traditional TV channels move from being destinations on a dial to being app icons on a platform. The interesting thing about the growth of FAST …

Tags:FAST| omdia| TV sales

LCD TV reaches 90% of market in Q4 2011

by Raverstead

LCD TV sales increased their share to 90% in the EMEA region for the first time in Q4 of 2011, according to the latest TV market research from Meko. Year end figures from the …

Tags:LCD| LCD TV| TV| TV market| TV sales