TV Production


Sharp Panel Production Cut 20% in Q1

by Tom Allen

Sharp will lower its TV panel production by 20% in Q1’15, according to the China Times, which itself quotes Japanese media coverage. Sharp’s business is struggling as competition rises in China, Taiwan and Korea. …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| sharp| TV Production| Vol 22 - Issue 05

Global LED backlighting production value to fall 10% in 2015, say Taiwan makers

by Vanessa Browning

The value of LED backlighting production will fall by about 10% this year, say Taiwanese LED makers, as TV and tablet production value falls. Both smartphones and TVs will represent about 30% of production …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LED| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| TV Production| Vol 22 - Issue 04

TV Panel Prices to Fall on Lower Chinese Demand

by Bob Raikes

Falling LCD TV demand from China could lead to excess panel capacity next year, leading to a price fall in the second half of 2015, say industry sources. LCD TV sales in the country …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| Large LCD Supply| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 50

TV Shipment Growth in Double Digits

by Raverstead

Worldwide TV shipments are expected to rise 10% next year, according to 376 sources, to around 230 million units. Large-size TV demand in mature markets and China, and small-size demand in emerging regions, will …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Samsung| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 46| Worldwide

TCL’s LCD TV Sales Up 11%

by Raverstead

TCL Multimedia saw LCD TV sales rise 10.7% in October from the same period last year. Sales of smart TVs increased 30.2%. In TCL’s home market of China, the company’s sales volume fell 9.8% …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TCL| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 45

TCL’s November LCD TV Sales Down 25%

by Raverstead

Weak overall demand for LCD TVs led TCL Multimedia Technology to a 24.8% fall in sales volume in November. In the company’s home market of China, sales volume decreased 18.4% year on year to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TCL| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 49

TV Shipments Rebound After Soft First Half

by Raverstead

TV shipments climbed 4% YoY in Q3’14, following several quarters of low results – average TV shipment growth was less than 1% on both a unit and revenue basis in the first half of …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 47| Worldwide

Panel Shipments to Rise in Coming Years

by Super User

Reports from Asia, quoting ‘market observers’, claim that TV panel shipments will rise 2.7% YoY this year, to 217 million units, and 3.5% next year. The market will be bolstered by recovering growth in …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| large displays| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21| Worldwide

China’s Golden Week Sales Fall 5%

by Super User

China celebrates its National Day holiday at the start of October, which marks the beginning of a longer holiday known as Golden Week. As we noted last month (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 41), …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| TV Production| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

TCL’s LCD TV Sales Down 10%

by Super User

TCL Multimedia said that LCD TV sales volume declined 10.2% year on year in September, to 1,645,485, though the proportion of smart TVs increased by 93.3% YoY. In TCL’s home market of China, sales …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TCL| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

TV Vendors More Than Double UltraHD Target

by Super User

Supply chain sources have said that TV vendors are aiming to ship 34 million UltraHD TVs next year – up 120% from 2014. The largest market will be China (no surprises there – TA) …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21