Touch Market


On-Cell Shipments Pressure GFF and OGS

by Raverstead

Glass-film-film and one-glass solution touch panels are increasingly being pressured by on-cell solutions in the lower-end of the mobile market. Reports from Asia indicate that Nokia and Motorola are placing large orders for the …

Tags:Innolux| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| On-cell| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Touch Technology Market Outlook

by Raverstead

Randy Lawson Principal Analyst at IHS presented his findings on the technology and market outlook for touch sensors and touch enabled devices at the event. Lawson opened his presentation with the data below, which …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TGM 2014| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 44

Haptic Technology Approaches $52 Billion by 2018

by Super User

The haptic touch technology market will grow at a CAGR of 41% between 2013 and 2018, ending the forecast period with revenues of almost $51.8 billion. Smartphones and virtual interfaces will be the main …

Tags:Haptics| Large Display Monitor| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Wintek Takes Steps to Improve Finances

by Super User

Taiwanese touch panel manufacturer Wintek says it has secured an extension for the repayment of bank loans and is also looking for a new injection of capital to finance its business. In a filing …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21| Wintek

Touchless Interaction Draws Closer

by Super User

We are on the verge of a touchless interaction to computer interface revolution, according to TouchDisplay founder Dr. Jennifer Colegrove who told LDM that this emerging technology category is set to grow “…from …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Touch Market| Touchless Touch| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Low-Cost Mobiles Push On-Cell Touch Growth

by Super User

Vastly more on-cell TFT LCD touch panels were shipped in the first six months of 2014 than all of 2013. NPD DisplaySearch data shows that total shipments in Q1 and Q2’14 exceeded 20 million, …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| On-cell| Touch Market| Vol 21 - Issue 41| Volume 21