Super Hi-Vision (8K)


DVB adds VVC to its Video Coding Toolbox

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The DVB Project has added VVC to the specifications to the DVB-AVC specification which has been approved by the DVB Steering Board and is available now as DVB BlueBook A001r19. Further …

Tags:Broadcast| Codecs| DVB| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD & 4K

BOE Develops 8K 120 Hz Panel

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association contacted BOE to get more information about a 110″ 8K 120Hz LCD that had been developed. The article points out that the panel uses the same technology as …

Tags:BOE| HFR - High Frame Rate| LCD Panels| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)

NHK Develops 8K Slo-mo Camera

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Advanced Television reported that NHK has developed an 8K camera that can capture and record at 240 fps making it suitable for slow motion sports coverage. BS4K and BS8K broadcast at …

Tags:Cameras| Japan| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Broadcast in 8K UHD in China

by Bob Raikes

What They Say China Media Group started a new 8K TV channel to broadcast content from the Beijing Winter Olympics. The report said that Monday also saw the launch of a project to set …

Tags:China| Sports and Stadiums| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Hisense Shows 8K Laser TV and More

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association also looked at the TVs that Hisense showed at CES as well as its new SoC (Hisense Fills In 8K TV SOC Details). The company is not planning …

Tags:CES 2022| China| Hisense| Laser Projectors| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UST Projectors

Hisense Fills In 8K TV SOC Details

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association discovered more information about a new H-View HV8107 SoC that was developed by Hisense for its TVs. Details are in the graphic below but the 8KA clarified that …

Tags:Financial Data| Hisense| Semiconductors| SOCs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

CES 2022 In the Rear-View Mirror

by Pete Putman

Attending CES 2022 was one of the stranger experiences I’ve had in a lifetime for a multitude of reasons (like flying out to Vegas on a nearly-empty Boeing 787 Dreamliner). Although I didn’t spend …

Tags:CES 2022| Hisense| MicroLED| QD OLEDs| Samsung| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TCL| toshiba

TCL’s Biggest TV is not 8K

by Bob Raikes

What They Say I wrote my early news on CES quite early (Highlights of Early CES 2022 Display News) as some of the conferences were going on and my article didn’t mention the new …

Tags:Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TCL

Hisense Debuts its First 8K Roku TV, the 75-inch U800GR

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Hisense has a new Roku-based 75″ 8K TV, the U800GR, that will be promoted at CES, but has already started shipping from Best Buy in the US and Amazon at $2,700. …

Tags:Hisense| Roku| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| USA

 8K Association Reports on 8K in Production

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The 8K Association has published a free to download report on the state of play in the use of 8K technologies in the production environment. 8K in production includes HDR, WCG …

Tags:Broadcast| Super Hi-Vision (8K)