Super Hi-Vision (8K)


8K To Get Real in 2019, Says IHS

by Bob Raikes

We saw some data from IHS Markit quoted in a story from Asia about 8K development, so we checked on the latest estimates. The company told us that the current expectation is that this …

Tags:4k| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 44

8K Monitor Uses 8 DisplayPort Connections

by Bob Raikes

We reported on the new 8K 27″ monitor that Sharp showed privately at IFA and has now shown publicly at the Ceatec Show in Japan (Sharp Shows 27-inch 8K Monitor at IFA). The company …

Tags:4k| Ceatec 2016| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| sharp| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 40

NHK Bonds Channels to Put Super Hi-Vision over Cable

by Bob Raikes

At the Ceatec show, Japanese broadcaster, NHK, said that has developed a set top box (STB) that allows the display of UltraHD or 8K signals by exploiting and bonding multiple cable channels to give …

Tags:4k| Ceatec 2016| Japan| Large Display Monitor| NHK| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 39

New Technology Area Round Up

by Bob Raikes

This reporter always enjoy the future technology area at IBC and I often save up visits to the end of a long day. If I get around the ‘moodily-lit STBs’, to quote Paul Gray …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| Autostereo 3D| Flexible Displays| IBC 2016| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Mobile Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Telepresence| Vol 23 - Issue 38

Japanese Collaborate on Super Hi-Vision 8K

by Bob Raikes

Nikkei has reported that Panasonic and Sony will join up with NHK to develop Super Hi-Vision (8K) technology and TV sets. Sony has committed to launching TVs in 2020 and Panasonic also plans to …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NHK| Panasonic| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 34

UHD OTT Will Reach Mass Market Soon

by Tom Allen

Juniper Research says that UltraHD OTT content adoption will climb quickly over the next five years, finally reaching the mass market. These services are forecast to attract 189 million users worldwide by 2021, up …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD (4KTV)| Vol 23 - Issue 32| Worldwide

Sony Develops Tuner for Super Hi-vision

by Tom Allen

Sony is preparing for 8k TV transmissions in Japan (which began this month) by introducing new demodulator and tuner modules. These are the first devices that can handle Japan’s ISDB-S3 transmission system. Samples will …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 31

Japan Meets 8k Deadline

by Tom Allen

Highlights from the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony were played on the channelJapan began 8k broadcasts on the 1st August – five days before the Olympic Games. NHK is running the satellite channel, …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| NHK| Olympics| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 30

DS25 Lattice says 8K is Coming

by Bob Raikes

Marshall Goldberg is from Lattice and was with Silicon Image before it was acquired by Lattice. He tends to work on things that are two to three years out, he said. He explained the …

Tags:Display Summit 2016| Fibre optics| HDMI| Infocomm 2016| Large Display Monitor| MHL| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| superMHL| Vol 23 - Issue 24

JDI Impresses with Low Power and High Resolution

by Bob Raikes

For many years, one of the consistent highlights of SID has been to visit Toshiba’s panel business, which then became TM Displays and, eventually, JDI. As usual, there was lots and lots to see …

Tags:Automotive| Large Display Monitor| Memory LCD| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Reflective Display| SID Display Week 2016| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 23 - Issue 21