Super Hi-Vision (8K)


8K: Here We Go Again

by Chris Chinnock

Apologies for tooting my own horn a little, but I am taking on a new role as Executive Director of the newly-formed 8K Association – in addition to my normal activities of tech writing, …

Tags:AUO| Codecs| Hisense| OTT Video| Panasonic| Samsung| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TCL| UltraHD

Next Gen TV Technology Needed for Market Growth

by Sweta Dash

Next generation advanced TV technologies are essential for market growth in 2019 and beyond as TV market growth rates have slowed down in recent years. At the same time, massive 10.5 Gen LCD capacity …

Tags:IFA 2018| OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

HDMI 2.1: Much Ado About Nothing?

by Pete Putman

Last Thursday, a joint press conference was held in New York City by the HDMI Licensing Administrator to update attendees on the latest version of HDMI – version 2.1. V2.1, which was officially announced …

Tags:HDMI| Interfaces| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 28/11/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) EBU …

Tags:Acer| EBU| Large LCD Supply| NHK| OLEDs| Perovskite| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Virtual Reality| warranty

What Bob Saw on the Net 18/03/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) VR …

Tags:LFD - Large Format Display| Location-based Entertainment (LBE)| Pricing| Smartwatches| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Virtual Reality

What Bob Saw on the Net 20/01/2020

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Apple …

Tags:Apple| Funai| Market Data| Philips| Samsung| Scala (now Stratacache)| Semiconductor Market| Smart TV| Smartphones| Streaming Video| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TV Set Market| USA| Vizio

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 29/11/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Survey: …

Tags:Augmented Reality| FCC| LED| LG Electronics (LGE)| Maritime| OLED Fabs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TV Viewing| TVs (TV Sets)| Video Processors| Virtual Reality

What Bob Saw on the Net 21/08/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Check …

Tags:AUO| Automotive| Big Data/AI| China| Dell| Large LCD Supply| Notebooks| OLED Materials| OLEDs| Smartphone Market| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

What Bob Saw on the Net 29/01/2020

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Coronavirus, …

Tags:China| Desktop Monitors| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Game Playing| Lenovo| MicroLED| MiniLED| Motorola| Retail| Smartphones| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Virtual Reality

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 11/12/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Shipments …

Tags:CES 2019| Digital Signage| LED| Retail| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Transport| UltraHD| Video Walls| Virtual Reality

What Bob Saw on the Net 05/04/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) The …

Tags:Apple| Apple Watch (iWatch)| Automotive| DuPont| Flexible Displays| iPhone| Japan Display Inc (JDI)| LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Test Equipment

What Bob Saw on the Net 11/06/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Q1 …

Tags:Apple Watch (iWatch)| Gaze Recognition| HTC| Litigation| OLED Fabs| Samsung| Smartphones| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Virtual Reality| xBox