SID Display Week 2015

Nanosys LCD vs OLED

BC Panel Session Asks “Is Good Enough, Good Enough”?

by Bob Raikes

The first panel session addressed the question “Is Good Enough, Good Enough: Can LCD Persevere?” Jason Hartlove, CEO of Nanosys was the first to speak and he showed a slide that looked at efficiency …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED TVs| SID Display Week 2015| Visual Quality| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Hsieh Outlines TV and Mobile Panel Developments (BC2)

by Bob Raikes

Next, David Hsieh of IHS asked “Is low cost the only path to success?”. He started by showing an interesting chart on the relationship between the profits for brands and for panel makers. Samsung …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| LCD TVs| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Small Medium Panel Supply| TV Set Market| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Business Conference Kicks Off Display Week (BC1)

by Bob Raikes

Amal Ghosh kicked off the Business conference for Display Week 2015 and he is the President of SID. He started by saying that attendance at the Business conference is up 40% on last year. …

Tags:BOE| China| Display Industry| Large Display Monitor| LCD Fabs| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Sharp Frees Auto Makers from the Tyranny of Rectangles

by Bob Raikes

We were at Sharp where we spoke to Tom Spears, Director, Automotive Display Marketing, and he told us about two new technology developments that will allow auto designers to get away from using rectangular …

Tags:Automotive| Free Form Displays| LCD displays| sharp| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

3M Adds QDs to Monitors and Helps Auto Makers Use LCDs

by Bob Raikes

3M was at SID promoting its film products. We spoke to Arthur Lathrop who told us about developments in QD-based films. We also interviewed Bill Simser, Automotive Business Manager at 3M about the company’s …

Tags:3M (MMM)| Anti Glare| Automotive| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Polar Screen Technology 3D Display Fixes Blink Issues

by Bob Raikes

In the I-Zone at SID, Polar Screen Technology showed its 3D system, which displays a 2D image along with the “deltas” to the left and right eye.

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Parallax Barrier Displays| SID Display Week 2015| Stereo 3D| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Jasper Display Explains its Strategy

by Bob Raikes

Jasper Display makes LCOS microdisplays – when it has too. However, it prefers to make just the silicon backplane and enable other companies to add the liquid crystal and create the display. They have …

Tags:Backplanes| LCOS| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

AUO AMOLED Takes Best in Show

by Tom Allen

Click to enlargeAUO’s circular 1.4″ AMOLED display, which is now in mass production, has won the 2015 SID Best in Show award (AUO Enters Circular AMOLED Production).

Tags:AMOLED| AUO| Back Panel| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

ITRI and Orbotech Sign Flexible Display Agreement

by Tom Allen

Orbotech of Israel signed a co-operation agreement with Taiwan’s ITRI, to develop solutions for the production of flexible displays. As part of the agreement, ITRI will use Orbotech’s inspection technology to identify production bottlenecks …

Tags:Flexible Displays| ITRI| Large Display Monitor| Manufacturing| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

SID 2015 – Who Was Missing?

by Bob Raikes

This week we have a busy issue with plenty of news. I’ve spent the week at the annual SID display technology week in San Jose. We’ll have a substantial report for you next week. …

Tags:Editorial| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung Display| SID Display Week 2015