
LeTV Aston Martin console

JDI’s Resurgence of Sorts

by Omid Rahmat

Some interesting touch IP and optimism about the automotive market breathes new life into old warhorses.

Tags:Automotive| JDI| showcase| TFT| Touch Displays

QD Technologies and Next Generation Mini/MicroLEDs

by Joseph Bryans

Researchers provide a a comprehensive overview of the latest research and advancements in the integration of quantum dots into Mini/MicroLED display technologies.

Tags:MicroLED| Quantum Dots| reasearch| showcase

Bigger Screens Need Bigger Brands

by Emory Kale

Korea’s display giants have built a brand fortress that is immune from pricing and technology challenges.

Tags:Hisense| LG| OLED| QLED| Samsung| showcase| TCL| TV market