MicroOLED and MicroLED: The Future of AR/VR Displays
by Sweta Dash
The growth of AR/VR headsets is expected to be strong in the next five years.
Tags:Augmented Reality| Micro OLED| Microdisplays| MicroLED| MR| OLEDos| showcase| VR
by Sweta Dash
The growth of AR/VR headsets is expected to be strong in the next five years.
Tags:Augmented Reality| Micro OLED| Microdisplays| MicroLED| MR| OLEDos| showcase| VR
by Omid Rahmat
LG and Samsung need to accelerate MicroLED development to maintain their edge in the face of encroachments on their core display business opportunities.
Tags:Apple| China| Huawei| iPhone 15| showcase| smartphone
by Omid Rahmat
What happened to just wanting to watch TV and getting to do that without navigating through menu hell?
Tags:Apple| Apple TV| LG| Panasonic| Roku| Samsung| showcase| TV Sets
by Omid Rahmat
What Display Daily thinks: The TV business is still the glamour-puss of the display industry. But it is a fickle mistress and one that is being driven more by technology positioning than consumer need. …
Tags:LCD| LG| MiniLED| showcase| TV market
by Joseph Bryans
Researchers have developed a new type of shape-changing electronic material that can twist, bend, and even jump on command.
Tags:Flexible Devices| LED| research| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Automotive and sales to Apple remain bright spots in a very murky environment for display manufacturers.
Tags:Apple| Financial Data| LG| OLED| showcase
by Emory Kale
Color gamut growth and HDR are the core technical challenges driving innovation in the industry,
Tags:HDR| NB Phosphor| OLED| Perovskite| Quantum Dots| showcase| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)
by Omid Rahmat
The Innolux prototype demonstrates that LCD remains a highly viable option capable of matching and even exceeding its rivals’ capabilities through creative engineering.
Tags:Innolux| LCD| showcase| VR
by Joseph Bryans
LCD fab utilization jumped to 83% in Q3’23, up from just 65% a year earlier during the depths of the downturn.
Tags:DSCC| LCD| Market Data| Production Capacity| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Ray tracing on mobiles is a boon for display manufacturers.
Tags:Apple| Mediatek| Qualcomm| ray tracing| Samsung| showcase| Smartphones
by Omid Rahmat
LG and Samsung account for 29% of primary components.
Tags:Apple| iPhone 15| LG| Samsung| showcase
by Joseph Bryans
Near-term uses could include automotive head-up displays and augmented reality devices.
Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Holographic Displays| showcase