

AI Bans on China Could Hurt Display Industry

by Omid Rahmat

There is a lot of uncertainty around smartphone and IT product sales even as Chinese companies take advantage to solidify their positions in their home market.

Tags:Apple| Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Automotive| China| CHIPS Act| Huawei| showcase| Xiaomi

‘The Color has Leaked Out’

by Bob Raikes

In these days of LCD and OLED displays, it’s probably hard for younger engineers to appreciate the challenges of making good CRT monitors.

Tags:CRT monitor| CRT TV| Repair| showcase

The OLED IT Market Doesn’t Speak With One Voice

by Omid Rahmat

Depending on who you talk to, 2024 will see a surge in OLED shipments into the IT market or it may be 2025, or 2026, or 2027.

Tags:Apple| BOE| DSCC| LG| Samsung| showcase| UBI Research